Studio pictures from the last couple of weeks

The last couple of weeks I've been having alot of fun at my studio desk. Painting, cutting pasting and thinking through still life compositions. As an artist I love working with paint but I wanted to add an extra dimension to my work. For my final year at uni I had incorporated collage details in to my design work and I remember this being both a challenge and fun. A challenge because I was creating flowers made from scraps of paper and fun because I could build up colour and shape using collage. So I decided to grab a painting that I felt didn't work and cut it up! Cut it up I hear you exclaim. Yes for me when I feel that a piece is not working I put it to one side and hope that it never sees the light of day again. I think that all artists have many pieces that they deem not good enough. And so for me as I'm using paper I always feel bad wasting it because it's not only costly and but it's also not very sustainable to use up lots of pieces of paper without having an end purpose. So I began collaging.

Laying down some watercolour and figuring out the composition

Lots of opportunities with these discarded paintings that I cut up

Snip snip

Some final pieces with watercolour and collage

We'll see where combining paint and collage takes me. It feels like it adds a bit more fun to my work and process and that I'm really happy about. This is beacuse sometimes as an artist I feel that I can get bogged down by what I should create, instead of just having fun and not thinking about it too much! 

This weekend I also really wanted to get some photo's of my new pieces in frames. Nothing fancy, just a nice little frame from Ikea to put the piece in to context. If your interested in purchasing any of these new watercolour and collage pieces check out my etsy shop.

Thanks for stopping by, 
